A simple but extremely addictive table football game.
Play one-on- one. Each person sits opposite their player on the benches, which are also acting as goals. Just protect your net, trick your opponent and score. That’s it!

Under Table Football is the first table football game actually played with your feet. Sit, kick and get hooked

The rules are simple:
• Kick-off always inside your own goal area
• You must be seated at all times
.• Always keep your feet on your own side of the field
• The first one to score 3 goals is the winner of the set

The Table measures 195 cm long x 80cm wide and 70cm high. They are suitable for both
indoor and outdoor use.

The tables are also lightweight so easily transportable from receptions to main rooms.
Suitable for all ages and highly competitive.
Perfect for parties, exhibition stands, fun days, Weddings and anything football.


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